May 27, 2009

Short quote to ponder

"If you could really accept that you're not ok,

you could stop proving that you are ok.

And if you could stop proving that you are ok,

you could get it that it's ok not to be ok.

And if you could get it that it is ok not to be ok,

you could get that you are ok the way you are.

You're ok, get it?"

I first heard this quote over 10 years ago, but recently came across it again. It made me think about how often in life I try or have tried to be "ok" by someone else's standards. How much energy have I wasted trying to make myself something I am not just so this person or that person will think better of me. Just so this person will like me, or that person will be my friend. I think there are alot of people out there who spend their life trying to prove that they are ok. Trying to manipulate themselves in someway, whether it be physically, emotionally, or related to their personality. We play God by transforming ourselves to fit someone else's mold. But why? Why do we try so hard to be ok by someone else's standards when most likely, that very person is trying to manipulate themselves as well to be ok by yet another person's standards. Why do we trust others opinions more than our own. Why is it so important that others think we are "ok" even if we loose sense of who we are. And if we do loose sense of who we are, are we really ok anyway?

So here is what I propose. Be ok by your standards. Mess up. Do things wrong. Laugh at yourself cause sometimes you sound a little out of it. And stop trying so hard to be ok. Me, I'm ok. I'm perfectly ok. Even though the dishes don't get done sometimes. (And my husband may even say more than sometimes!) Even though I don't understand most jokes. And most of the time my mouth keeps moving and before I can stop it I've talked my way into wierd conversations I never meant to start. But when everyone laughs, I join in. Why? Cause I have to say, its pretty funny. Embarrasing funny, but funny none the less. "You have to laugh at yourself, cause you'd cry your eyes out if you didn't" -Indigo Girls
Be ok cause you're you. Be ok cause who really knows what ok is anyway. Be ok cause you don't have to be ok. You just have to be you. And being you is more than ok. Being you is extrordinary.

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